The Story update is here!!
That's basically all I have to say...
If you (for some reason) read my devlogs, and (for some reason) remember what I said in them, you'll remember that I said that the next update will probably be a sound and music update. But it will probably be the update, after the next update.
The next update will probably be a bug fix update. I appreciate all the feedback, questions and all other stuff. A few people have found some gliches, like: Menu overlapping, Pressing the button while it's down and other stuff... like I said, I appreciate the support and feedback and I will work on making this a test game (01)  that doesn't have bugs.
There is a chance that you will get an AD many times in a row. That's just bad luck, because a random number determines which AD pops up...
here's some scrapped content: I wanted to make a AD about a device which will train your kids to gamble, but then I remembered that I had to make the ADs actually make sense with my games story...
And I wanted to make a AD which talks about hiring underpaid managers. That AD would actually make sense in the story of my games, but I thoght it was too edgy...
In the Breaking News AD, the closing frame schound obviously represent a damaged and glichty screen, but I only drew it like tthat, because the news lady falling over looked very... weird to say the least. And I cencored the dragon in the corner too, because it looked boring, but I'll show it here. I walso wanted the Reporter to have normal eyes, but they looked very... VERY not normal...
Another thing about the Breking News AD. I gave the News Lady Legs. That's everything I wanted to say...
If you want to know, there's 5 different ADs, but I'm working on a 6th one.
And I updated the guy which pops up when you quit the game, because he was too lanky...

Good Lunch time!


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18 days ago

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