If you are (for some reason) actually checking for devlogs or updates from time to time, then you haven't heard from me in a long time. (a few days)
But don't worry! (I don't think you worried in the first place) I'm still working on the game and trying to update it! The next update will probably be... ADs! THAT'S RIGHT! ADVERTISEMENTS! Now, before you rage quit the reading of this devlog, I don't mean real and in your face ads that i gain money with... This isn't a  mobile game... But I mean ads that are going to be a part of my games story. THAT'S RIGHT! THE NEXT UPDATE WILL BE THE STORY UPDATE! When the ads appear, you can either make them vanish or click on them and play a minigame!
But please have a bit of patience, because I just started development on the update. And... I'm actually thinking about combining this game with one of my other games that I'm working on, but that will probably not happen. Right now, the line of games that I will release will (probably) look like this: This (test) Game -> Sequel 1 -> Prequel (to Sequel 1) -> Sequel 1 (to Sequel 1)

And if all of these games turn out like I want them to, then their price will probably look like this:
test_game01 = Free
[NAME REDACTED1] = 5 - 10$
[NAME REDACTED2] = 10 - 20$
[NAME REDACTED3] = 20 - 45$

There is also a chance that I will just randomly release another game, just for fun. Thet's because working on a new game, is more refreshing than working on a game that you have been working on for the last 8 Months. Working on a game that you have just recently started making feels like you are tracing your finger over a nice poeice of string. And working on a game that you have been working on for a long time feels the same, but the the string has lots of big knots in it. 

Please don't take this message as a "UGH! I HATE MAKING GAMES WITH A (hopefully) GOOD STORY SOOOOO MUUUUCH".  I am still incredibly passionate about my other games, especially about [NAME REDACTED3] because it is the reason I started writing this story. I don't want to sound corny, but I already feel so connected to my characters and I'm sure that when you guys (I have no comunity yet) get to meet them, you will (hopefully) like them as much a I do. I started writing this story somewhere in 2021 or 2022. I already designed and written so many characters and I'm really excited to show the world what I have been working on for so long.

Of yourse, like I said, I don't really have a community/fanbase yet, which I get, since I only uploaded a TEST GAME. Because of this, I want to start building one. I'll probably upload something on a random social media platform soon. But if you want to find me, I'm "LukeADDNight" basically on every platform.


Get test_game01

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